This weekend was a perfect fall weekend. We kicked it off with soccer (see what I did there?) and friends on Friday. Then Saturday we tried a new hike in Elkin, NC. It began at the cutest winery and felt more like walking through my Nannie’s field and woods in rural Georgia than a mountain, and in the best way.
The Vineyard Trail, Mountain to Sea Trail, and Carter Falls is 3.9 miles out and back hike that first leads you through a trail decorated with fairy houses every so often, a cute campground that decorated their trail with Halloween decorations, then to a wide, peaceful waterfall.

The weather was perfect and the kids did great with the length, as there was a lot to entertain them along the way… and as a Halloween treat, I let them eat a piece of candy each time we hit a mile. Worked like a charm
We got home late afternoon, showered up, then watched football while Hailey put together her latest Tinker Crate. We’ve tried a lot of subscription boxes and this is one of the best by far. This one demonstrated the technology they use in fighter jets in the form of a phantom ping pong ball. The kids loved it!

I slept so solidly Saturday night (which was so welcomed after the night before). Sunday we woke up for a workout and online church. I made a trip to Costco while the girls baked chocolate chip cookies. I still think it’s the coolest thing that they can do it completely on their own.
While I was gone, David got to ripping out some bushes alongside our house. They were overgrown and it really has opened up the view so much!
When I got back, I got lunch ready for my friend, Toni, and her family. We’ve been friends since 6th grade and it’s so crazy now to be grown with families of our own. They came to pick up our beloved sectional and give it a snuggly new home, but we also go to let the kids play for a while, too.

I ran a few more errands before retreating to the backyard for the evening. David was burning the bushes and the girls have created the coolest secret hideout that has occupied a lot of the time. We watched the sun go down while the lasagna (this recipe is super simple and good) cooked. It was a beautiful evening.

I’ve decided that this week is our fall break. I don’t know why I felt so much guilt initially for that. I think I have it ingrained in me somehow that if we can do school, we should. I clearly need another round of “deschooling.”
I have Halloween crafts and experiments that I bought supplies for that we haven’t done yet, so we’re going to make this week super festive. Tonight we’re making clam chowder to celebrate the end of our Colonial History Unit.
We’re also going to make jack o’latern mason jars and create oozing ghost pumpkins. We’re going to do a lot of reading and watch the Halloween movies we haven’t gotten to yet. I’m quite excited about it! But first, goal check in:
More presence and patience? Being away from the phone is so good for me. I’m struggling because I like IG’s instant connection, but don’t love how much of my mental energy it takes.
More time outside? Yes, I was so happy we went hiking! And spending Sunday evening outback made it feel like an extended weekend. Loving this fall weather so much.
Less phone? Yes.
Read a novel? I finished The Room on Rue Amelie. 3/5 stars. I love the WWII time period and it was an easy read, but the storyline felt pretty predictable and there wasn’t much depth to the character or storyline.
Less alcohol? I’m trying to remember when I last checked in, but I believe I’m at 10 days with a beverage out of 21 days total. I think this deserves a post on it’s own because I’m conflicted how I feel about it. My goal was less alcohol (vague, I know), but last night having a glass of wine and chatting with David by the firepit was so enjoyable. I struggle between “do what’s best for your health” and “live your life girl.”
Meditate? Totally fell off of this. Bringing it back today!
Track groceries? Yes, I finished my first month of tracking and began my next month. I’m going to keep tracking. Charges from over the weekend to get us set for the new week/month: $172.13 at Whole Foods. $68.76 at Costco. $19.81 at Food Lion. $5.91 at Aldi.