Easy & Fun Summer Rainbow Water Mocktails for Kids

Rainbow Water Mocktails for Kids - Easy Drink Dress Up

It is absolutely inevitable that when I make myself a smoothie, a coffee, or some other kind of fancy drink, my kids are always begging for a drink. As a mom, you don’t get the luxury of having something all to yourself! However, when your kids have their very own fancy drink, they tend to let you have yours. These Rainbow Water mocktails for kids are the perfect way to keep your kids sucking on their own drink and letting you have yours.

These Rainbow Water mocktails for kids are the perfect way to keep your kids sucking on their own drink and letting you have yours.

Rainbow Water Mocktail Recipe for Kids

This rainbow water mocktail recipe is perfect for summer days with kids.  They are cool and COOL!  Brightly colored and popsicle based…what else could you ask for in a refreshing drink for kids?


What You Need

With only two ingredients and a glass, these Rainbow Water Mocktails are super easy to make. Here’s what you need to make this fancy treat for your kids:

  • A variety of different colored Popsicles. I went with purple, red, green, yellow, and orange.
  • Tall glasses. Plastic is preferred if you have smaller kids that may drop their glass.
  • Sparkling Ozarka. With no sugars, no sweeteners, and no calories, this sparkling, bubbling water is a perfect alternative to pop.
  • Silly straws are an optional treat if you want to make this drink even more fun!

These Rainbow Water mocktails for kids are the perfect way to keep your kids sucking on their own drink and letting you have yours.

How to Make a Rainbow Water Mocktail

Step 1

Ask your kiddos what color Popsicles that they want in their Rainbow Water Mocktail. It is a real treat for kids to get to decide on exactly what they want. Start off with allowing them to choose 3-4 different colors for their mocktail. Each color will transform this drink into a rainbow fun drink your kids will love.

Step 2

Slide the popsicles off the stick to easily cut them into sections. You want to add about half a Popsicle of each color into the glass. However, you want to slice them into 1/4 the size, so that they easily fit into the glass. Cut your pieces and kerplunk them into your tall glass!


Step 3

Watch the magic happen! The last step is the perfect opportunity to let your kids watch, as you pour the Sparkling Ozarka into the glass on top of the popsicle pieces. Not only do you have a fizzing, bubbly, and refreshing drink, but you have an incredible science experiment right before your eyes.


What happens to the colors as you pour in the fizzing water? Why do they separate? Do the colors appear in the same order as the rainbow! Take time to talk about the drink with your kids, and see what they notice. Look up facts about why the colors separate the way they do.

Step 4

Make yourself a drink because well, you deserve. With the kids settled into their own creations, you won’t be bothered about what you are drinking. Try one of our 19 Sparkling Mocktail recipes or get in the spirit of the holidays with these 15 Eggnog recipes. Enjoy!

What drinks do you like to have in peace without your kids begging for a drink? Share your parent drink ideas in the comments below!

Easy Mocktails for Kids

The post Easy & Fun Summer Rainbow Water Mocktails for Kids appeared first on DIY House Hacks - One Crazy House.