The Top 3 Roasted Asparagus Recipes | Try Them All!

Roasted Asparagus makes a delicious spring dish! Try these 3 recipes and cooking methods and enjoy healthy, fresh asparagus.


Let’s talk roasted asparagus!  Is it asparagus season where you live?  For me, spring is time of year when fresh asparagus starts to go on sale at my local grocery stores.  I figured this would be a great time to share some delicious roasted asparagus recipes with you.  Because we could all use some more yummy vegetables in our lives, right? 

What is Asparagus?

Edible asparagus (or Asparagus officinalis – if we’re being fancy) is a perennial springtime vegetable.  It’s grown in several places throughout the world and emerges early each spring.  


Asparagus comes in several colors including purple, white and green.  Green is by far the most common variety.  You’ll be able to recognize asparagus at the grocery store by its slender green stalks and pointed tops which look like spears.

Health Benefits of Roasted Asparagus

Like other green vegetables, asparagus is incredibly healthy!  WebMD has some great nutrition information about the health benefits of asparagus. Asparagus is packed with essential vitamins and minerals.  It’s a great source of antioxidants. 


Asparagus also contains lots of fiber to aid in healthy digestion.  And, of course, let’s not forget that it’s also very low in calories.  So, feel free to indulge in that extra helping!  Bonus points if you can get your kids to do the same!

What does Roasted Asparagus Taste Like?

Many people consider asparagus a delicacy.  It has a mild and sweet flavor.  Some people compare it to broccoli or green beans. 


One of the wonderful things about roasted asparagus is the way it takes on the flavor of the food and seasonings its cooked with.  Picky eaters can rejoice!  It’s easy to adapt asparagus to your taste preferences. 

When is Asparagus in Season?

You can probably find asparagus year-round at your local grocery store.  That’s because asparagus is grown and shipped from various parts of the world, making it available most of the year.  However, for the freshest and best tasting asparagus, try shopping for it in the spring when it’s available from local growers. If you have the skills and set up to grow it in your garden – all the better!

Where to Buy Asparagus

Look for asparagus at your local grocery store.  If you’re lucky enough to live near a farmer’s market, then try to find it there.  The flavor of asparagus is best when it’s fresh.  Local asparagus has generally gone right from harvest to sale and will give you the best flavor.

How do you Select the Best Asparagus?

The fresher your asparagus, the better it will taste.  Here are a few tips to help you find the freshest asparagus:

  • Look for asparagus stalks that are firm and smooth – avoid wilted or wrinkled stalks that are past their prime.
  • Fresh asparagus should be brightly colored – the color of asparagus will dull as it ages.
  • Try to find bundles of asparagus with stalks that are close to the same diameter.  They’ll cook more uniformly if they are a similar size.
  • Thicker asparagus tends to be a bit more chewy and woody. Avoid those if possible.

Storing Your Asparagus

Before cooking, asparagus does best when the cut ends of stalks are kept moist and the rest of the stalks are dry.  Trim off the bottom ½ inch of the stalks and place them upright in a glass or bowl with about an inch of water.  Like cut flowers, the asparagus will soak up the water and remain fresh longer than it would otherwise.  Similarly, you can also trim the cut ends and wrap them in damp paper towels to maintain freshness.


Roasted asparagus, like other cooked forms of asparagus, doesn’t save very well. For best results, you’ll want to eat it the day it’s cooked. If you want to try saving your cooked asparagus, store it in an airtight container in your refrigerator.

How do You Prep Asparagus for Roasting?

Asparagus is easy to prep with just a few simple steps:

  • When you’re ready to cook, wash your asparagus. 
  • After washing, you’ll want to remove the tough, fibrous cut end of the asparagus.  Slice or snap off the woody end of the asparagus where the stalk starts to turn color from white to green. You can typically bend the ends and it will snap near the best place to cut.
  • At this point, you can choose to peel the asparagus if desired. 

Cooking Methods

Asparagus can be cooked in multiple ways.  It can be grilled, roasted, steamed, sautéed (try it chopped up in a stir fry!), or even air fried. Today I want to talk to you about my 3 favorite methods for cooking asparagus. They are roasting, air frying, and sautéing.  

Why I Love Roasting Asparagus

Roasting asparagus in the oven is easy. I mean really easy! It makes for a really impressive vegetable side dish with minimal effort. It’s also beautiful. When you roast asparagus in the oven it retains its vibrant color and makes your dinner look amazing! I also love the texture of oven roasted asparagus. It’s the perfect crisp-tender bite.

Tip for Roasted Asparagus:  When roasting asparagus in the oven, try placing a wire cooking rack on your baking sheet.  Place the asparagus in a single layer on top of the rack.  This will help circulate the air around the asparagus and prevent sogginess.


Why I Love Air Frying Asparagus

If you’ve never tried air frying asparagus, you really should. Air frying is the fastest method I’ve found for cooking asparagus. Air fried asparagus is the best if you love a crispy bite.


Its got the perfect balance of a tender, but also crisp consistency that my family loves. It also tastes like a million bucks!

Why I Love Sautéing Asparagus

Sautéed asparagus is so good! I love using this cooking method because it keeps my oven free, cooks up quickly, and is really easy to sample and season while I cook. Sautéed asparagus makes a delicious addition to any stir fry, meaning that the possibilities are almost endless.


Serving Suggestions

There are so many ways to serve roasted asparagus.  Try it garnished with butter, a sprinkle of parmesan, fresh herbs, lemon zest, cheese, or a creamy sauce.  Asparagus makes a great side dish.  Serve it alongside chicken, pork, steak or pasta.  Toss it in a salad. Drizzle it with olive oil. Try pairing asparagus with starchy side dishes like mashed potatoes and rolls.  Get creative and add some asparagus to a dish that you already love!


Video Tutorial for Cooking Asparagus

Watch my YouTube video to see me cook through all these recipes and methods.

My Top 3 Roasted Asparagus Recipes

I’ve got 3 great asparagus recipes for you! I’ll give you 3 sets of ingredients and 3 different cooking methods on my printable recipe card below. Keep in mind that any of these recipes can be made using any of the instruction methods listed. Feel free to mix and match to your heart’s content!

Basic Asparagus Recipe with Olive Oil, Salt and Pepper

The name says it all! Using only 4 ingredients, my super simple Basic Roasted Asparagus Recipe with Olive Oil, Salt and Pepper is just as good as it is easy to make!


Garlic Parmesan Asparagus

You won’t want to miss my Garlic Parmesan Asparagus. Garlic powder and parmesan cheese combine to make the most amazing flavor. I could eat this every day!


Butter Lemon Garlic and Herb Asparagus

If you want a fresh, tasty, flavor-packed dish, you’ve got to try my Butter Lemon Garlic and Herb Asparagus. This is a flavor bomb or fresh, spring flavor. I love to sauté this recipe in a pan for a quick, healthy side dish.


Let’s Get Cooking!

Need more recipe ideas? I have many more healthy and delicious recipes. Check them out and let me know in the comments what’s cooking at your house this spring!


My Top 3 Roasted Asparagus Recipes


Ingredients for Basic Asparagus Recipe with Olive Oil, Salt and Pepper
1 bunch of asparagus, washed and trimmed
1 Tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Ingredients for Garlic Parmesan Asparagus Recipe
1 bunch of asparagus, washed and trimmed
1 Tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp garlic powder
Salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup shredded parmesan cheese
Ingredients for Butter Lemon Garlic and Herb Asparagus Recipe
1 bunch of asparagus, washed and trimmed
2 Tbsp butter
1 Tbsp fresh lemon zest
2 Tbsp fresh squeezed lemon juice
1 clove minced garlic
1-2 tsp fresh thyme or lemon thyme
Salt and pepper to taste


Instructions for Oven Roasted Asparagus

Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.  Wash and trim asparagus.  Place asparagus in a large, resealable plastic bag.  To the bag add oil, spices, salt and pepper.  Seal the bag and shake to evenly coat the asparagus.  Place a wire rack onto a large baking sheet.  Spread the asparagus on the wire rack in a single layer.  Roast in the oven for about 12 minutes, flipping halfway through.  Add any desired garnishes during the last 1-2 minutes of cook time.

Instructions for Air Fryer Roasted Asparagus

Preheat air fryer to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.  Wash and trim the asparagus.  Place the asparagus in a large, resealable plastic bag.  To the bag add oil, spices, salt and pepper.  Seal the bag and shake to evenly coat the asparagus.  Place asparagus onto the air fryer basket in a single layer.  Air fry about 6 minutes, depending on the thickness of your asparagus, being sure to flip the asparagus half way through.  If adding garnishes, remove from the air fryer and add during the last minute of cooking time.

Instructions for Pan Sautéed Asparagus

Wash and trim asparagus to desired size.  Heat oil in a large pan over medium high heat.  Add asparagus, spices, salt and pepper.  Cook until tender, about 5-10 minutes, depending on the thickness of your asparagus.  Remove from heat and add any garnishes while still warm.

Keywords: roasted asparagus, asparagus recipes

The post The Top 3 Roasted Asparagus Recipes | Try Them All! appeared first on Tidbits.