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Shooting the Test-Messenger – by Chester E. Finn, Jr.

“Competitive divers bridle when judges give 1.5 points to their triple backflips.” Two cheers for Lynn Olson’s and Craig Jerald’s long, perceptive explanation of hostility to statewide assessments (“Statewide Standardized Assessments Were in Peril Even Before the Coronavirus. Now They’re Really in Trouble.”). Their chronology is spot on. They’re right about the intensity of the “testing backlash.” I assume they’re right that this year’s testing moratorium will cause a lot of people to say “it’s now demonstrated that we don’t really need those irksome, onerous assessments.” And I agree that tests would be a lot more popular with educators if they were demonstrably helpful in improving instruction, which waiting to year’s end doesn’t do much for. Yet there may also...

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4M Kitchen Science Kit for Kids (8+) under $10

  Running out of things for the kids to do?  We’ve had fun with this Kitchen Science Kit!  Easy experiments and everything you need is included! 4M Kitchen Science Kit – $9.97 Perform six different science experiments using common kitchen ingredients. Generate electricity using a lemon, launch a rocket with vinegar, write invisible messages, and more. This kit is ideal for science enthusiasts of all ages. Complete instructions for each experiment are included with the kit. Recommended for ages 8 […] 4M Kitchen Science Kit for Kids (8+) under $10 first appeared on Saving Toward A Better Life.

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4M Kitchen Science Kit – Only $9.97!

Another awesome kit to keep the kids entertained during quarantine! Head over to Amazon where you can grab this 4M Kitchen Science Kit for only $9.97! Additional details include: Perform six different science experiments using common kitchen ingredients. Generate electricity using a lemon, launch a rocket with vinegar, write invisible messages, and more. This kit is ideal for science enthusiasts of all ages. Complete instructions for each experiment are included with the kit. Recommended for ages 8 years and up. Challenge your child’s imagination with 4M toys and kits. 4M educational toys cover a wide range of educational subjects and include science kits, arts and crafts kits, robotics kits, and more. Keep in mind, Amazon pricing can change at any...

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Educational Toy Company Pivots Into Content

For the past 25 years, parents have known Learning Resources as the company that makes those toy cash registers. And in today’s work-at-home world, parents may know it as one of the companies helping to keep the family sane. But Learning Resources says that above all, its mission is simple: to help parents help kids love to learn. And that mission has never been more relevant. The COVID-19 crisis has sent parents home from work and kids home from school, presenting potential tension for the family and creating an opportunity for the company. The firm’s mix of high-touch learning and educational materials and toys, which target kids ranging from toddlers through pre-school age, has won a solid following among teachers,...

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How To Deal With A Boss Who Micromanages Your Work From Home

The coronavirus pandemic is causing people to feel understandably stressed about their job security, health and safety. Some employees also have to contend with the stress of their boss suddenly turning into a remote micromanager when they transitioned to working from home.   Such bosses are “monitoring instead of managing,” said Alison Green, founder of the workplace advice website Ask A Manager. “Because they don’t know how to effectively manage people who are remote, they don’t feel like they have enough control, and they’re getting very anxious about accountability, and whether people are taking advantage of them, and they’re micromanaging.“ Green said she has heard from trusted high performers who have worked for their managers for years but are now suddenly dealing with...

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