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Is there anything better than Chicken Milanese? I did not think so until I made this Potato Chip Crusted Chicken.

Jump to Recipe I have seen a number of people use various breadings including pretzels, nuts, frosted flakes and more. I was at the bottom of some potato chip bags – #BadHabit – and did not want to waste them. How about I swap them out for breadcrumbs on my milanese? It was so good my wife and said, we might never go back. “Them is fighting words.” Some varieties of milanese breadings I have used include: GLUTEN FREE MILANESE MATZAH MEAL BREADED CHICKEN And the varieties include: CAJUN MILANESE MEXICAN MILANESE The dish is created just as you would any chicken milanese. The only difference is that you swap out the breadcrumbs with potato chips for the breading. The...

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