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Convection vs Conventional Ovens: Understanding the Pros and Cons

If you’ve done any research into the world of cooking appliances, you’ve likely heard the phrases “convection oven” and “conventional oven” used in relation to one another. Some people even refer to conventional ovens as "standard or regular" ovens. But what exactly is a convection oven, and how does it differ from a conventional one? There’s really one main difference between a convection oven and a conventional oven—a fan, or in the case of higher-end models, multiple fans. Both oven types use heating elements to heat up the interior of your oven (and the food inside), but a convection oven also uses a built-in interior fan system that keeps the hot air constantly circulating throughout the oven cavity while cooking....

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5 Best Convection Wall Ovens in 2019 [REVIEW]

While stoves are a popular choice in many kitchens, high-end homes are frequently opting for separate cooktops and built-in convection wall ovens that blend seamlessly with the kitchen and give a more custom look to your home. In the world of appliances we call convection ovens simply as "wall ovens" although they are installed in kitchen cabinets rather than in a cavity carved in your wall. These ovens typically measure 24-inch, 27-inch, or 30-inch in width. You can get them as a single or double-oven configurations. Most convection ovens feature a drop down door. However, recently the french-door and side-swing door options have become popular. But how do you choose the right convection wall oven for your existing kitchen, remodel,...

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