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Blogtober 2019: Day 2: Latest Ikea haul...

Disclaimer:  I haven't been paid to promote any products, just wanted to share some smiles found on our latest visit to my second favourite happy place, first being our home of course 😊 Hi Honeys, How are you today?  Staying warm I hope?  It's such a beautiful, sunny day outside, if it didn't feel so chilly, I could almost be fooled that summer had decided to hang around a little longer 😊  Today, I thought I'd share what we bought on our recent trip to Ikea.  You know, the trip where I took so many photos that, even after being completely brutal with myself, I still ended up with so many photos I really liked that it took three posts...

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Blogtober Day 7: Broccoli and Cauliflower In The Creamiest, Cheesiest Sauce Ever...

Hi Honeys, Welcome, I hope you're well and staying warm in the chill.  Day seven of Blogtober is here and I thought I'd share one of our dinner favourites, now that the colder nights are drawing in... I've loved being able to send Hubby to work with his salads all through the summer but now that it's getting chillier I want to send him off in the mornings with a more warming lunch.  He works really long days, usually out the door around 7am and not home again sometimes till after 6pm and barely has time for his lunch some days so it's important to me that he has a good, healthy lunch to hand. This means lots of lovely...

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